Tag Archives for " marketing lessons "

Lessons on Promotion from the Unassuming Dandelion – Say What?

The dandelion while considered to be a nuisance to lawn manicuring maestros, is actually a beautiful wonder of nature. I personally marvel at the design of the seed bearing part of the plant and am totally amazed at how this round ball of fluffy seeds atop a tall but delicate stem makes it one of […]

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Brand Name, Logo, and Domain – The Idea Incubator, Dandelion Viral Method Phase 1

As part of The Dandelion Viral Method, I wanted to share my creative process when it comes to incubating ideas. Most of my ideas come at around 12:30 am. Ugh I know, I wake up for no good reason, I start thinking about stuff and suddenly an idea pops into my mind. It’s usually more […]

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Two Worms in the Hand Gets, the Early Birds in the Bush

When I wrote the title of this post I was thinking about how many times I hear people mixing up “sayings” or “phrases”. When it comes to promotion this could be a powerful method to attract attention, especially with some well thought out and clever headlines or email subjects that don’t just fit the usual […]

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The Entrepreneurs Student Loan – Learn to Fail Well

I know I’ve mentioned it before, but as way of reminder, I’m a 30 year business veteran. In all reality though, my earliest memory of doing business was when I was about 8 years old. My cousin and I contracted with my step-dad and uncle to pick up dried cow patties (bovine poop piles, manure) […]

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