Tag Archives for " social marketing "

Promotion’s Lowest Common Denominator

I hate to waste anyone’s time and if you’re reading this article you have graciously given me a moment of your valuable time, and Let me say “I appreciate that”. So, here is the lowest common denominator of marketing. Relationship! Relationship! Relationship! I have been blessed to be self-employed for 30 years now and I’m […]

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The Power of Extrapolation to Boost Your Motivation

Regardless of the work that you do sometimes motivation can be very hard to come by, especially for entrepreneurs, Internet marketers and those that have a home-based business. As any type of entrepreneur, when motivation seriously lacks, creativity for promotion, copy writing, graphic design, and product creation also suffers and as for me it is […]

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Lessons on Promotion from the Unassuming Dandelion – Say What?

The dandelion while considered to be a nuisance to lawn manicuring maestros, is actually a beautiful wonder of nature. I personally marvel at the design of the seed bearing part of the plant and am totally amazed at how this round ball of fluffy seeds atop a tall but delicate stem makes it one of […]

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Two Worms in the Hand Gets, the Early Birds in the Bush

When I wrote the title of this post I was thinking about how many times I hear people mixing up “sayings” or “phrases”. When it comes to promotion this could be a powerful method to attract attention, especially with some well thought out and clever headlines or email subjects that don’t just fit the usual […]

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The Entrepreneurs Student Loan – Learn to Fail Well

I know I’ve mentioned it before, but as way of reminder, I’m a 30 year business veteran. In all reality though, my earliest memory of doing business was when I was about 8 years old. My cousin and I contracted with my step-dad and uncle to pick up dried cow patties (bovine poop piles, manure) […]

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