Category Archives for "Promotion"

What are the best WordPress membership themes?

Quora deleted my answer to “What are the best WordPress membership themes?” so I moved it here to my blog. I understand why they would delete my answer on the basis of spam being that I’m eagerly promoting what I have found to work, and even though it is the best answer and did have […]

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The Power of Extrapolation to Boost Your Motivation

Regardless of the work that you do sometimes motivation can be very hard to come by, especially for entrepreneurs, Internet marketers and those that have a home-based business. As any type of entrepreneur, when motivation seriously lacks, creativity for promotion, copy writing, graphic design, and product creation also suffers and as for me it is […]

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Lessons on Promotion from the Unassuming Dandelion – Say What?

The dandelion while considered to be a nuisance to lawn manicuring maestros, is actually a beautiful wonder of nature. I personally marvel at the design of the seed bearing part of the plant and am totally amazed at how this round ball of fluffy seeds atop a tall but delicate stem makes it one of […]

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